Thursday, February 22, 2007

Here is another image in progress for the D.C. Portfolio that I'm planning to submit this summer at ComicCon. Again, I'm working in Sumi Ink and gesso on craft paper. My idea for these images came from the question, "What if Caravaggio painted a street fight?" Caravaggio was the master at staging a scene with a simplified background and dramatic Chiaroscuro lighting. In fact he'd make a great film director if he lived today.


Anonymous said...

Let me tell ya somethin'..... A shout out from "Bean Town!"

Anonymous said...

kmiec, the batman pieces are pretty sweet. what size are they and what surface you using? i like the dramatic lighting effect it has. im starting a self portrait on a cigar box top in oils. hope it comes out okay, heh.

Bonanzai said...

"Kuse . . . represent!
Good to hear from you bro!

Thanks for the comments . . .
The pieces are pretty big - I don't know exact size but all around or bigger than 18"x24"

Send me a copy of your portrait when it's all done.